Die E-Commerce-Profis der Merkkur GmbH

Shopping with e-commerce professionals

According to the Financial Times, Merkkur GmbH is also one of the 1000 fastest-growing companies in Europe after 2020 and 2021 in 2022

years of experience in e-commerce
positive end customer reviews over the entire duration on Amazon
positive end customer feedback
on Amazon
Our team
In addition to the two founders and managing directors, more than 30 employees ensure a flourishing online trade.
Encouraging individual development
Free time management and modern work structures
Agile work and quick decision-making processes
Startup atmosphere with remote first approach
Mitarbeiter der Merkkur GmbH lachen zusammen
Geschäftsführer und Angestellte der Merkkur GmbH beugen sich über einen Laptop
Our experience
Merkkur is an internationally successful online retailer of high-quality branded goods with over 20 years of industry experience.
Owner-managed company
With more than 10 years at Amazon Retail in the area of purchasing management shoes & handbags
Among the 1000 fastest-growing companies in Europe for 3 years in a row

Our Philosophy

At the heart of all company activities are our cornerstones of trust, innovation and agility.


We are true to our word. Because reliability and honesty are the most important prerequisites for sustainable partnerships and customer relationships.


We pay real attention to every package and combine technical know-how with trade expertise to achieve operational excellence.


We always work in a targeted manner. In doing so, we are constantly adapting to changing customer needs and framework conditions and implementing innovative, sustainable and clear solutions for our customers.

Let's work together

Do you want to revolutionize online shopping with us? Apply now for one of our open positions.

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